
Professional Placement

  • The competence center Networking for Jobs has a pool of qualified jobseekers with international work experience.
  • Our jobsseekers are either Swiss citizens or have a work permission and are instantly available.
  • Good German or English skills are a requisite.
  • Our work focuses on the cooperation with companies and recruitment agencies.


The competence center Networking for Jobs worked for years in the area of Corporate Social Volunteering with different companies: Each company organizes a volunteer day on which executives, human resource managers and employees are involved in providing the Networking for Jobs project participants a training ground for the application process. We also offer the opportunity for anyone interested to get involved as a mentor for the Networking for Jobs participants. We want to encourage you to take advantage of the experience and intercultural skills of immigrants and Swiss repatriates. We are pleased to work together with you to contribute to society. We have a wide variety of projects that you as a company can support financially. Make a contribution to society by supporting our projects. If you would like more information about the respective projects, we are happy to advise you.


Our Partners

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Testimonial SAP, EN

As a global software company SAP pursues a socially sustainable strategy. SAP (Switzerland) AG is regularly committed within the global corporate social responsibility program. Among other events, we organize an annual volunteer day. On this day for the past four years, up to 90 volunteers and staff participated in various volunteer activities. We are proud to be working successfully with the competence center Networking for Jobs for the past three years. The jobseekers benefit greatly from the training and from building professional contacts. At the same time our employees with their expertise and know-how in coaching activities are making a direct contribution to society. We find this exchange very rewarding and look forward to an ongoing partnership.

Petra Schild, CSR
SAP Schweiz AG, 2012

Testimonial SAP

Wir sind stolz darauf, seit nunmehr 3 Jahren mit dem Kompetenzzentrum Networking for Jobs erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten zu dürfen. Die stellensuchenden Personen profitieren sehr stark von den Trainings und können fachliche Kontakte knüpfen. Gleichzeitig leisten unsere Mitarbeitenden durch ihre Fachkompetenzen und ihr Know-How mit den Coaching-Aktivitäten einen direkten gesellschaftlichen Beitrag. Wir erfahren diesen Austausch als sehr bereichernd und freuen uns auf eine weitere partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit.

Petra Schild, CSR
SAP Schweiz AG, 2012

Testimonial Bär & Karrer 2019

Die geleistete Pionier Arbeit der Platform ist der unterstützungswürdig. Die Gesellschaft braucht solche Organisationen wie Networking for Jobs, die mit bescheidenen Ressourcen so viel Output erreichen.

Susanne Schreiber, Partner
Bär & Karrer, 2019

Learning & Development, UBS 2018

Ich begleite seit Jahren Personen aus der Platform Networking for Jobs. Ich bin von der Effektivität ihrer Arbeit beeindruckt. Eine kleine Organisation, die so viele Multiplikatoren ermöglicht.

Sabine Puscian, Learning & Development
UBS, 2018

Testimonial Berufsberatung Basel

Platform Networking for Jobs ist wichtig und nötig, denn sie schliesst die Lücke zu anderen Angeboten im Raum Zürich. Gut, dass es sie gibt!

B. M.
Berufsberatung Basel, 2010

Testimonial Berufsberatung Basel, EN

The competence center Networking for Jobs is important and necessary, because it closes the gap between other opportunities in the Zurich area. It’s good that they are there!

B. M.
Berufsberatung Basel, 2010